pure // photography as statement
This six-day workshop addresses your individual photographic potentials. What are
you really interested in? Transform your personal perception into images. In addition
to questions concerning visual conceptions we focus on the emotions while photographing.
We give attention to the emotional impulse that calls for conversion into straight action.
>>> My recommendation: Look very carefully at your archive. Watch your emotions while
looking at the photographs. Do not choose just images you consider to be ” perfect”.
Which crude sketches might offer an initial basis for a new project? These scrap images
are essential for the seminar. You can build on them. They might be the key for a great project.
With that you start. Photography is a vital process. <<<
It is about the core questions in photography. The construction of images in order to convey
an impact. How do I photograph people? What makes a photograph an image?
Develop your personal view. Look through picture material. Make a selection. Realize your
individual interest and improve it. Face the question of what is really important. Recognize
conventions, build on them and elaborate your individual position. Make use of possibilities,
unfold potentials. Formulate your personal message.
Both the production and the interpretation of photographs are complex processes. Within
the image a subjective perception of the surrounding reality gets transformed into a personal
message. This individual statement is subjectively interpreted by the viewer. In the knowledge
of this tension I see photography as a medium to reflect on reality.
In this seminar you explore your individual photographic potentials. You learn to precisely apply
visual tools in order to formulate your message. Beginners and advanced photographers
are welcome. Requirements are the ability to handle the camera on your own and to face a
constructive discussion.
Seminar and exhibition: 6 days // 2nd - 7th July 2012 - BerlinSummerWorkshops
1st day:
Viewing of your existing photographs. Review and analysis. Individual perspectives
are formulated. Start your project. Hit the street, walk around, encounter people and take
photographs. Discover new places... Everything is possible.
2nd - 5th day:
Take photographs. Current work results are discussed continuously. Based on these ongoing
insights we take photographs every day. Production and reflection go hand in hand. The topic
is explored. Single images emerge and are complemented with others. Ups and downs are
experienced. Staying power counts. The project`s content layer continuously develops.
The intended message and its visual depiction are specified. A result is perceptible.
6th day:
All together we elaborate an exhibition ( inkjet prints or workprints - pure on the wall )
Opening 6 pm // feedback and chillout